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Reflection in filipino
Pagbasa at Pagsusuri  - This subject has a lot of things that can be able to do a right like: Grammar, Spelling, etc. But from this situation to be honest I’m not good in these. It is essential to know how to speak English because it is the most basic requirement for most jobs. 

Reflection in filipino

Pagbasa at Pagsusuri – From this subject has a lot of knowledge produces any kind of technique like: making a story , critique , analyze etc. It is like about the subject on Reading & Writing skills. They have similar qualities , technique and even words. It is also important for us  to better understand.

Reflection in filipino
This subject  are same in research in daily life  so I learn how to write a thesis , how to critique this article . and I learn how to read in formal.  
And  also can use a reflection paper to analyze
what you have experienced (what worked well and what didn’t, what was fair or unfair,
what was effective or ineffective, why). Like any other paper or essay, it should be
cohesive and refer directly to the specific objective experience you had or something you
observed and then explain how this experience inspired the feelings you are feeling or
helped you make a critical (not necessarily negative, but just concrete and thoughtful)
analysis of what you read or saw. This is not a book report, which just recounts what you
read or saw or experienced. It is much more important that you focus on what you
learned from that reading or experience and how you would incorporate what you took
away into the way you view or do things in the future. You can include personal
experience in a reflection paper, but do not depend on it; base your reactions and
reflections on the material that is your subject.
Do not use a reflection paper simply to summarize what you have read or done.

For this past few months students in dcc rasay was very busy we aren’t look like busy  but we are. Especially in doing of learning activity sheet  everyday. We do really care at all. Its just like some of us is like a cocoon of a butterfly  its went out when its time. Yes , today is our time if it is not when? We really trying our best but I guess our best is not good enough. In this past months in evening section I really spot the difference between the  morning and the evening .Morning session  has the advantage of all . if I can only decide if I want to transfer I guess I want to be part of the morning session but in my case I have my little brother which I was the one who guide. My mother has no trust  about that babysitting or yaya and its very expensive if we have that one instead she made a decision that Iam the one who will do . though I love playing child but it comes to a point that your days , times that you will do take note you will do it everyday it is just like very tired especially right now my little brother is a two years of age and its very tired adjusting your patient to a child sometimes you may get mad because my brother is very aggressive on what  he’s do . play there  play everywhere its annoy you. And that’s not the end part. The reason why my mother enrolled me in the evening session it is because in 6-9am my brother should get tired on that time and in 9-11pm he already sleeping so I have time to do my chores in the house  and then after cleaning every quarter 1 or 2pm we should already dress up so that I will be able to send him to my mother so that she will the one hold my brother since I am starting to pack everything for my class at 3oclock the rest. And that is my routine everyday going school . it is very very tired for me but its for my brother’s own good and its good for me because you will really realized that by doing such things like that is valuable and in that case you already help your parents in such small things and you just learned that in life there’s no such simple things that can be easily get if you really want it you work for it.

What can I say about Filipino? in this subject this also not easy because there are some language in Filipino which are deep and hard to find you need to analyze before you will know what it is. And thesis you need to evaluate and analyze the  information for you to make the work done.

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